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26 September 2023
Brussels, Belgium
Horizon Europe Brokerage Event for Cluster 6 - Calls 2024


CARE4BIO joins forces with NCP_WIDERA.NET, the Horizon Europe NCP network for "Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area", for the benefit of potential applicants from the Widening group of countries. This section provides information on the tools available from NCP_WIDERA.NET to promote the participation of legal entities from Widening countries and to increase their chances of success when preparing proposals.

Facility for Legal Entities from Widening Countries

NCP_WIDERA.NET, through its partner organisations, offers the following:

  • Travel grants to participate in the CARE4BIO brokerage event. Travel and accommodation can be funded to actively participate in this brokerage event and expand the collaborative network of legal entities from Widening Countries. Applicants can apply to the NCP organisation of their country, which can be found here. CARE4BIO itself also offers 5 travel grants for participants from countries not covered by NCP_WIDERA.NET travel grants. More information on the CARE4BIO travel grants can be found under the tap 'Travel grants'.
  • Proposal Screening Services: Available to coordinators and lead partners (WP Leaders) from Widening Countries. Applicants can submit their proposal and have it pre-checked free of charge via the WIDERAEXPERTS.EU portal. Further information is available here.

Portfolio of funding opportunities 2023

The following calls for proposals are part of Destination 1 “Access to Excellence” of the work programme “Widening Participation & Strengthening of the European Research Area”.

Hop On Facility:
Enables coordinators of ongoing Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) under Horizon Europe to allow legal entities from Widening Countries to join the consortium, provided that it does not yet include partners from any country of the Widening group.

Deadline: 28 September 2023

Twinning Bottom-Up / Twinning Green Deal:
Twinning aims to enhance networking activities between the research institutions of the Widening Countries acting as co-ordinators and top-class leading counterparts at European Union level by linking it with at least two research institutions from two different Member States or Associated Countries. 

Deadline: 28 September 2023

Pathways to Synergies:
Promotes synergies between Horizon Europe and the cohesion policy programmes, mainly the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), INTERREG and the Resilience and Recovery Fund (RRF), to boost R&I performance in Widening Countries and to reduce the innovation divide in Europe. Applicants may apply under two different pathways:

  1. Upstream synergies mode, which allows formerly single beneficiaries of regional funding programmes to moveout of isolation via cross-border collaboration and to prepare them for successful participation in Horizon Europe calls.
  2. Downstream synergies mode, which allows the valorisation and upscaling of research results towards marketable solutions. Applicants under this pathway should be members of a consortium of one or two completed or ongoing projects (in the same domain) RIA(s) funded under Horizon Europe or Horizon 2020 that has already generated validated (e.g., evidenced by approved deliverables, final or periodic reports, peer reviewed publications) research results to be valorised by support from ERDF, IPA, RFF funds or EIC financial instruments.

Deadline: 28 September 2023

Portfolio of funding opportunities 2024

The following calls are available additionally from Destination 2 “Destination Attracting and mobilising the best talents” of the work programme “Widening Participation & Strengthening of the European Research Area”.

Excellence Hubs:
Excellence Hubs are networks of place-based innovation ecosystems in Widening Countries involving larger communities of actors in a regional context to team up and create better linkages between academia, business, government and society (quadruple helix principle).

Deadline: 7 March 2024

ERA Chairs:
Research organisations located in Widening Countries interested in establishing an ERA Chair should submit a proposal with the prospective ERA Chair holder who should be an outstanding researcher and/or innovator in the chosen scientific domain. The scientific field can be any domain of research and innovation. The leadership of the ERA Chair holder and the creation of a permanent and excellent research group in the chosen scientific field will ensure excellence, visibility and better integration in the European Research Area, as well as fostering competitiveness in research funding and promoting institutional reforms aligned with ERA priorities.

Deadline: 7 March 2024

ERA Talents:
The ERA Talents action aimsto boost interoperability of careers and employability of research and innovation talents across sectors, with a centre of gravity in Widening Countries. ERA Talents actions must involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors. The consortium partners contribute directly to the implementation of a joint training and mobility methodology by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members. The collaborative approach of ERA Talents should exploit complementary competences of the participating organisations and create synergies between them.

Deadline: 11 April 2024

Closed since 25 December 2023
Charlemagne building of the European Commission
Organised by
Participants 956
Meetings 700
Spain 154
Türkiye 115
Italy 59
Romania 58
Poland 51
France 48
Portugal 47
Belgium 42
Germany 39
United Kingdom 25
Netherlands 25
Greece 24
Hungary 23
Switzerland 20
Czech Republic 20
Austria 15
Albania 14
Lithuania 13
Nigeria 11
Cyprus 11
Norway 9
Denmark 9
Kenya 8
Ireland 8
Finland 8
Estonia 8
Sweden 8
Serbia 7
Ghana 7
Ethiopia 7
New Zealand 7
Slovakia 7
Ukraine 6
Iceland 5
Armenia 3
North Macedonia 3
Colombia 3
Israel 3
Benin 3
United States 3
Latvia 3
Gambia 3
Croatia 3
Bulgaria 2
Slovenia 2
Malaysia 2
Georgia 2
Azerbaijan 2
Tunisia 2
South Africa 2
Argentina 1
Mali 1
Bolivia 1
Malta 1
Nepal 1
Philippines 1
Guinea-bissau 1
Dominican Republic 1
India 1
Viet Nam 1
Ecuador 1
Brazil 1
Costa Rica 1
Bosnia And Herzegovina 1
Jordan 1
Kazakhstan 1
Lebanon 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Morocco 1
Total 978
University 273
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) 229
R&D Institution 199
Consultancy 61
Large company (Industry) 60
Association/Agency/Cluster 54
Other 50
Authority/Government 39
National Contact Point (NCP) 13
Total 978
Profile views
Before event 17329
After event 14183
Total 31512